Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A.H.C Hydra B5 Soother

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been posting lately. No time to photograph myself putting on skincare. I'll just tell you guys about this amazing serum that I've discovered, and have gifted to friends and family members over the 2012 holiday season. Everyone has been asking me to buy more for them since I found this in Hong Kong. It is called the Hydra B5 Soother.

Yes. That water in the background correctly depicts how amazingly moisturizing this product is. It makes your skin very smooth and doesn't have a weird sticky left over feeling that I know some gels can leave.

It comes in this little dropper bottle. You just need one or two drops for your entire face. The result is.. that it leaves your skin feeling so supple and really moist from the inside out. Not like creamy moisturized that just sits on top of your skin... but this actually gives your skin a drink.

I love this one. I also think whenever girls come back to a product, that it's a keep for sure. There are so many products out there that it's easy to be tempted to try something new.... but this one's definitely for keeps.

<3 itttt!!!

I got this from ColourMix in Hong Kong. They sometimes have periods when they do a special "Buy one get one free" promotion. It costs around $120 for 2 bottles, but online I see it costs around $90 for one bottle. So if you're ever in Hong Kong, remember to stock up on these babies! The ColourMix I always go to is the one in the MTR station walkway between Hong Kong station and Central station.

I gave my mom and some people with "mature" skin this Phyto Complex Gel to use, and they were not crazy about it.

It is supposed to tighten the skin, so I can imagine it makes the skin feels uncomfortable. I've also heard that this one leaves a sticky after feel... so I would suggest you stick with the Hydra 5 Soother.

Sit tight! I have more discoveries to share. Promise to post more often :)



1 comment:

  1. Hi there, thanks for sharing your review! Currently we are selling A.H.C products exclusively in Canada. Would you like to try some A.H.C samples and write a few reviews, e.g. A.H.C Hydra Soother Mask or A.H.C Real Eye Cream For Face?You can visit our online store at www.TheBeautyMaskShop.ca . Please contact us at service @ the beauty mask shop . ca for more information.

    Thanks and Merry Christmas!

    The Beauty Mask Shop
